Sunday, 19 July 2020

Seen the village? It's global!

This one needs no early risers, just fast drivers and you are good to go. Well don't stress if speed is not your thing, get there early.
This place is called Global Village.

Your view is pegged on the entrance you choose, just make sure to choose the one with less traffic and secure yourself a parking slot.

A view like the one below as you look for a slot can quickly make you forget your parking slot so make sure to take a picture of your parking lot number. Easy if you dropped off in a cab or public transport.

I loved the entrance view!
Kinda leaves you with the desire to dash in and take in everything. And yes the place opens at 4 pm and packs to the brim!
A few Dirhams and you are in for a treat of your life.

I forgot to mention, I'm Kenyan from Kenyan highlands. Well what I meant was that they sell tea at the entrance. Haha, I bought tea before my ticket.

A little something of everything is in the pictures below. If you are the carnival lover and thrill hunter, don't forget to add the rides to your bucket list. I would recommend a change of clothes in case the fun is too much and you get all messed up.

Starting with my beautiful continent as ever!

Countries around the world

Show casing their culture

And promoting their products

to the many visitors

So you are in many countries

All at the same time

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

A treat for the Children, Sharjah UAE

Once upon a time.....
There were some beautiful birds...
very beautiful indeed.

These are the beautiful birds at Sharjah Children's farm.

The farm is an exciting place for children, with animals and birds, goats, sheep and donkeys they get to feed !!! So adorable seeing some children all thrilled feeding these animals while others freeze at the thought of it. 
photos by Purity
The farm is very well structured allowing the children to enjoy themselves without feeling overwhelmed by many animals and birds. 
the ducks are wadding
the birds are chirping
the goats are bleating
the cows are mowing 
the horses are neighing 

photos by Purity
The interesting bit is that they have set up a cow milking point at the entrance for the children to have a feel of the milking process.
Don't worry, the cow is a cut out board and the milk is water...

 This children's farm is part of a huge park that has a museum and wildlife making it ideal for the little ones to enjoy a day at the park.
photos by Purity
The best part about the park is that the zoo is covered so you enjoy seeing wildlife within air conditioned walls!!

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Al Ain Oasis, UAE

The world is a global village and a beautiful one. When we choose to look for the beauty we will definitely see it!  
Al Ain is one beautiful place and this flower reminds me of the beauty the city holds!                                                                                         

The city is far from the ocean making it a hotter destination in UAE. Packing right is important if you want to enjoy the journey as much and enjoy a good laugh in the hot sun. Sunscreen,travel umbrellaNike sunglasses for men.

 If you love cycling you can consider long sleeve gloves for womenMen's aviator sunglasses and make the journey enjoyable by using car sun shade  

 These are the beautiful date trees in Al Ain Oasis. Heavy with dates, beautiful with their generous shades, preserving the rich Arabic history and providing a perfect walk at the Oasis.

With the option of a stroll, group cycling or chauffeuring, the maps shared at the entrance are pretty handy if you love reading maps. The African in me believes in enjoying the stroll until you get lost!!

The place is such a beauty with tracks of land nicely cultivated to blend in with the date trees and focus on the oasis for a bumper supply of water!

Need I mention the need to re-hydrate? If walking with a stroller, pack some drinking water  because it can be quite a stretch if on a stroll. There is a canteen where you can refill and enjoy more drinking water for your journey back.

All the best at the beautiful Oasis!!